Monday, January 31, 2011

A Hike Up To Our Our Winter Wonderland

The recent blog posts inspired an impromptu drive to Rice Lake and hike across the lake to our island property.  While I always get excited to go up to the lot, this trip was different.  It was our first long awaited trip up with our newest little cottager, now 6 months old.  We hiked across the lake, carrying her in hand.  The snow was packed, thanks to the many snowmobilers, ice fishers, and winter cottagers that have been enjoying the lake over the winter season.  The walk was beautiful.  There wasn't a cloud in the sky and the snow glistened like sparkling diamonds from the sun's reflection.

We arrived at our lot roughly 30 minutes after departure.  I love a winter visit to the property.  With all the leaves off the trees/bushes, we're able to get a good glimpse at our land and a better idea of our property lines and grading.  Let the cottage planning begin!  As we stand in the bay, we imagine the view from our future cottage.  We discuss very preliminary plans..... maybe a small A-frame or a bigger version of our bunkie.

DIY Ice Rink at the Boat Launch
It was a lot colder on the open lake than we had anticipated and with having the baby with us, we couldn't stay too long.  We decide to head back.  At the boat launch, we stumble upon a make shift ice rink.  It's days like these that I'm proud to be Canadian!

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